Friday, December 16, 2011

Discovering Celiac Disease

Chris and I will celebrate 5 years of marriage on March 24. It's been a wonderful 5 years filled with lots of joy, and some pains and issues at times. I feel that I should start from the beginning...our honeymoon. We shared our honeymoon with his family, travelling together on our way for a "family vacation" to Colorado. Our first stop for dinner, one of my favorites that I knew I wouldn't be having for a LONG time, Whataburger. We ate quickly and got back on the road and probably 30 minutes later, several of the family was hurting...badly. We had to stop and get a hotel...which for me, just becoming a part of this new family and wanting so badly to enjoy being married, was a wonderful idea. Fast forward several years, I've seen the ins and outs of this family and our honeymoon was definitely not the first or last of these experiences. I always knew that Chris drank a lot of pepto, but never really thought much of it until we were absolutely on our own for the first time. After 2 1/2 years of marriage, we moved to California. It started to dawn on me that he used pepto a lot more than any normal person should and I encouraged him time and time again to consult his doctor, but he saw no need for it.

Fast forward yet again another 2 years. Just recently I inquired about a particular diet (paleo to be exact) from a friend of mine that has had wonderful success. She told me about it and I went home to research it (for myself...not my husband). I stumbled across a site on Celiac disease and found symptoms that strangely described my husband and his family to a tee. Migraines, stomach issues, fatigue, etc. I approached him and we agreed to try and avoid gluten for a few weeks to see what happens. That brings me to current. We have been gluten free for exactly 1 week 1 day now. I was worried about doing this for fear that it would be extremely costly, I'd never be able to figure it out, I wasn't sure where to even find food that I could make...I love modern technology. I have found many wonderful websites that have TONS of recipes...and it's stuff that we actually like. Maybe this won't be so hard after all. :) Right now, 1 week in, Chris is already feeling a ton better. No pepto needed, he can drink all the milk he wants (we thought he was lactose intolerant for all these years...turns out it's part of celiac disease). We had a tiny mess up on Monday that put him in some pain, so it kind of confirmed to both of us that this is the answer we weren't necessarily looking for, but dumb luck would have us find. :)

This blog is simply to keep track of our journey to a GF lifestyle and to keep track of our positives and negatives on this journey. What seemed to be a little overwhelming at first is quickly coming a way of life for us now. We've had a chance to deal with it, and now it's time to make do with what we've got. :)

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