Thursday, December 22, 2011

2 Weeks In

Well, Chris has officially been gluten free for 2 weeks today. We had sort of a celebration of sorts. We had Homemade chicken fried steak with cream gravy, baked potatoes, and green beans. All gluten free, and all extremely delicious. The best compliment to me as a cook, is when people go back for seconds, thirds, and tonight, fourths. Amanda doesn't always eat (and actually like) what I cook...she grew up with different tastes, but tonight, she had 3 pieces of chicken fried steak and a double helping of green beans. Bailey even asked for seconds, and Alivia had a second helping of green beans as well. I love to hear my Bailey tell me, "Mmmm, this is Delicious mommy". It makes my day...because that compliment doesn't come with every meal. :)

Since becoming gluten free, I have noticed a remarkable change in Chris' attitude. He has a lot more energy and seems to be in a better mood (I think it's because he actually feels good). The biggest complaint he has right now is that his legs are on fire when he gets home from a full day at work. I'm pretty sure it's because he needs some new, good supportive shoes. Once we have a little extra money, we're going to go buy him a good pair of work shoes. We're also planning on starting to work out...I'll work out with Amanda here at the house, and Chris plans to work out with his friend Donny at the school. Excited to see where this takes us in the future. Also, one of the biggest changes, besides his digestion issues, he's not having migraines like he used to. He used to get pretty bad migraines, and this isn't to say that he won't get them again, but I've just noticed that in the past 2 weeks, this has not been an issue.

I started a few days after Chris. Some of the things I've noticed about myself...right at the moment, I don't feel that I've lost any weight...unfortunately, I feel that I've gained, but going to take measurements tonight in order to keep track of that. Also, I've noticed more headaches...of course, I've not been getting the best of sleep either, so I'm not making any conclusions just yet. I'm giving this a full month to see how I feel at the end of the month, but that's the main thing I've noticed with myself is the extra headaches. Other than that, I feel more energetic. I've actually been able to keep up with the dishes and the house a lot better than usual, which makes me feel better because I always feel horrible when the clutter starts getting out of hand.

Well this update has been a little long, but it's been a while since I've posted. Hoping to stay more on top of this in the future. :)

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